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Safety Management Service

Design your Safety plan

Partner with ATLEC Safety Management Services to relieve your organization of time-consuming compliance management and recordkeeping for your drivers, vehicles and employees.

By partnering with us, you’ll have more time to focus on your day-to-day operations.

CSA Performance Suite - Data Qs

Mock DOT Audit

ATLEC Software Database Platform

New Entrant Audit

Our Plans

Safety Management Service plans

Driver Compliance

You pay $55 per Driver per Week

Best for fleet up to 20 trucks

> Driver Qualification File Management
> MVR and PSP Monitoring Service
> Clearinghouse Monitoring
> DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing
> Hours of Service Management Service
> Driver Compliance Services
> CSA Performance Suite – Data Qs
> Driver Training Program Management
> Claim Management Service
> IFTA Reporting
> ATLEC Software Database Platform

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Employee Compliance

You pay $100 per Hour

Best for fleet more then 10 trucks

Employee Compliance Training provide you the tools and knowledge necessary to pass any Safety Audit, keep Your company in good Safety Rating and FMCSA DOT Compliance

Chose one of 2 options:
> One on One Training
> Group Training

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DOT Consulting

You pay $200 per Hour

Best for fleet more then 20 trucks

> Safety & Compliance Programs
> Training
> Policies & Procedures
> Government Reporting
> Audits & Assessments
> DOT Authority – Safety Rating Upgrade
> Mock DOT Audit
> New Entrant Audit

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CSA Performance Suite Data Qs challenge

You pay $ per Fleet size

Best for any fleet size

Whether you are a driver or a motor carrier, we can help challenge the incorrect inspection report to get it removed from your record. When you want to challenge an incorrect violation, a crash that meets the challenge guidelines, or an inspection assigned to you by mistake, you can achieve this through the DataQ process.

Chose one of 2 options:
> Monthly Subscription
(3 months minimum)
> One-Time Subscription

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